Terms and conditions of use

General conditions of Sale

1. By placing an order on the online store vestiti-firmati.it, you represent that you have read all the information provided to him during the purchase process, and accept the general conditions and payment transcribed below .

2. Any right of the Customer to damages or compensation, and any contract or tort liability for any direct or indirect personal and / or property, caused by the rejection, even partial, of an order.
In case of unforeseen unavailability of goods and non-acceptance there will be no charge to the customer.

How to Buy

3. The correct order is confirmed by the system vestiti-firmati.it by a reply by e-mail, sent to the email address supplied by the customer. This confirmation message will contain date and time of the order, an "Order Number" and a "Customer Code", to be used in any further communication with the vestiti-firmati.it.

4.Is responsibility of the customer to register with the correct data and keep these updated data through the access credentials.

Payment methods

5. Credit Card, Bank Transfer, Paypal, Scalapay
The purchase of goods is provided with payment by Credit Card, Bank Transfer and Scalapay.

The transaction with the Charter is through the electronic portal vestiti-firmati.it using the secure server of Stripe; in no time of the purchase the electronic portal vestiti-firmati.it and no staff member is able to know the number of credit card customer, which is supplied by the customer to the bank's secure server on a secure, encrypted Internet connection by current standards of the market for online payments.

6. Rate
All amounts shown on vestiti-firmati.it are in Euro, which is the reference currency.