
Summer sandals: the most chic models to have

Light, precious or simple: the sandals you must have this summer
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How to wear the Very Peri (even in summer)

From practical and casual looks to more elegant ones: here are the Very Peri clothing items to wear now
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How to create a glamorous and comfortable look to show off now (even with sneakers)

Don't know how to create a trendy but practical and comfortable look for this spring? We help you
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Dresses with flounces: the trend to follow now

Spring 2022 saw the great return of the flounces: here are the dresses to show off during the season
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Formal dresses: the unmissable of this season

Elegant and glamorous ceremony dresses: must have to show off for important occasions
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Spring shirts: the models to show off this season

Fluttering and light dresses, floral prints and spring shirts are back
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Spring must-have: colored blazers

The must-have items for this spring? The colorful blazers that perfectly complement all the looks worn
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Pleated skirts: the trend to imitate this spring

Among the must-have items of spring 2022 we find a great return: pleated skirts
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Spring look: 3 combinations to try immediately

Now that the change of season has been done, it's time to show off the best spring looks. Pay attention to combinations.
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They're back: here are the spring dresses we've been waiting for

They are fluttering, colorful and floral. They are long, short but always light, they are the spring dresses to wear immediately
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